Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pictures from last May

I'm posting pictures from May. I know it's already in September but I can't post a lot pictures like I used to due to my schedule.

I love that picture when I take a picture of Max outside while he is inside thru window. Look for me????

Love that way she twists with her dress...

Max playing with games on TV

Love those pictures of Max....

Ashley and me waiting for Nancy and kids while they shop inside the grocery store.

Yummy cupcakes!!!!

That's my garden and rabbit statue

Saturday, May 24, 2008

So Busy!!

I am just busy for preparing for my new job and adjusting my new routines. I started working two weeks ago. I have to wake up in early morning and never had that routine before. Really tired and hard to adjust my routines since I was out of job for two years.
Will try to post my pictures soon. I'm so glad that I have 3 days off for Memorial Weekend.
Thanks for being patient with me not posting anything. I hope to adjust my routines in a while. Hope you will come back to visit my blog.
Have a great Memorial Weekend!


Saturday, May 17, 2008

MiMi's Gymnastic Event

My family and MiMi's grandparents went to watch MiMi for Gymnastic Event.
What an awesome gymnastic MiMi is!

Daddy is so proud of MiMi. He has been taking her to gymnastic classes every week as well as he hasn't given his hope up.

MiMi whispering into Dad's ear.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Max's Graduation

Max playing with tassel while he gets bored

Max is so hot after he plays. He never gives up when he is so hot..

Shoes, Shoes, and MiMi's fake smile

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!!

Fake smile????