Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Action Max and Precious Micaela

This is a referral picture from last year my parents received. When I first saw it, I thought Micaela was the one of most beautiful Chinese girl I've ever seen. I'm very fond of her.

A picture of Micaela and me at GA Aquarium last March. I can't imagine what to do without her. She is so blessed to me and changed my life that I will be ready to adopt a Chinese girl if I can't have a baby due to my age and I'm married to someone special who is the right mate for me. The feelings of having a baby brother, Max and adopting Micaela are the same when they come to my life. Of course, Max is the best brother in the world I've ever had. Micaela will be 2 years old and have a birthday party this Saturday. I'm so thankful that Max and Micaela are the ones of the closer kids in my family I ever have and they are the important part of my life.

Max won his new firetruck toy at his school for art shows and auction after our aquarium trip since he wanted it so badly when Nancy signed it up and Max also wrote his name on it. Real cute!!!!

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