Monday, July 24, 2006

Micaela's Shopping

Nancy, Micaela and I went shopping for our new clothes. I bought a new blouse, but I need a new pair of pants that matches a new blouse.

Micaela loves to wear different shoes. Excited to try on new shoes!

Will you please get me size 6 of shoes I'd try on?

Taking her shoes off for trying on...

We were disappointed that a pair of real cute shoes Micaela wanted to wear run out for size 6. She got two pairs of shoes.

Hey, look at the salesperson wearing her Chinese blouse.

Other pair of cute shoes

Mommy, I want that outfit.

Micaela seriously said "I love it." a several times. How does she pick up the cute outfit she loves herself?

Thanks, Mommy, I love that new outfit!

Micaela's new cute Bunny outfit

Trying on a new shirt herself

Sigh! a blurry picture. I tried to take some pictures of Micaela pushing her stroller, but it's hard to shoot...

Elmo sitting on the stroller and Micaela put water bottle on it. She really enjoyed shopping with her mommy and me.

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