Thursday, December 28, 2006

Girls' Shopping

Julia tries on her new tennis shoes

Micaela is excited to tries on new tennis shoes. She loves to wear all kind of shoes.

Nancy tries to take a sample of shoe back, but Micaela is upset as Nancy tries to explain to her.

Nancy breathes like a dog when Micaela is so bossy.....

A lot of bubbles gum! Different kind of gums like cherry, original bubble gum, etc.

Teenager girls love shopping together. When Micaela was so tired, Nancy and I relax. Julia wants to go to other store so she tells Nancy that she'd come back, but she goes to the store quickly then goes on and on... it takes us waiting longer for her and Leslie.

Micaela looks at the unknown person under the dresser room while Nancy shops for her step mom's presents.

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