Sunday, July 15, 2007

National Ice Cream Day

I almost forget about National Ice Cream Day since I saw it on the calendar in Scrapbook Etc Magazine. Then, I saw newspaper. I'd like to share with you about ice cream in my life.

I remember that my grandparents (both side of my dad and mom) always took me to ice cream, but when I spend nights at my grandparents (dad's), I always want to go get ice cream every day as they love to take me and also even as my aunts took me sometimes. I wish they could have taken pictures of me when I was young because I want to scrapbook it for my moments. I still love ice cream as my favorite dessert (I think). Actually, I don't go get some ice cream every day.
I have homemade ice cream, but haven't used it yet. I waited for it for ten years then my dad and Nancy gave me for Christmas. After that, my dad wanted to use my homemake ice cream for New Year Eve. I need to make it at my home. Or share with Max and Micaela one day.

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