Saturday, July 28, 2007

Whirly Lollipops

Max and Micaela are excited to get whirly lollipops from me.

Max saying "I want it!"

Kids need me to help opening lollipops.

Max "thank you" in sign.
Max says that lollipop tastes like rainbow.

Max got a dollar from his Tooth Fairy.

Using plastic bags for keeping lollipops.....

Micaela shows off for her dollar which is fake since she is a copycat of Max's real dollar.

Oh, yeah! I chew lollipop.

Micaela keeps lollipop all day. Max keeps his one in his bag as he only had it one time a day. Micaela wants to use his lollipop so I told her that she eats hers and Max saves it for later. Her expression face shows that it's not fair.

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