Saturday, June 30, 2007

Yes, the kids loves me babysitting them!

Kids have so blast time to ride with me while taking camera directly to the mirror.
Max and Micaela are blowing pizza which they try to make those pizza cool! They don't like eating hot meals. Funny looks at Max and Micaela's faces that their mouths are alike while blowing at pizza!
Max loves to take pictures and to play with my camera. Micaela is copying me signing "STOP." Max still runs with his hilarious laugh.
Micaela begs to use my camera. How good does Max take pictures? Is he going to be a professional photographer like me?
It's Micaela's turn that she uses my camera for taking pictures of Max and me! Sorry, you miss pictures of me on this blog. HA!
Max is getting hot from keep playing with ballon and jumping on Daddy and Mommy's bed.
Playing with ballon sword!

Kids loves watching video tapes of Signing Time. When they are done with movie, I had my thought about Signing Time and was looking for those videos. The kids saw me carrying and they are so excited to watch. Max tries to climb and turn high voices while watching "Signing Time" video tape. Those tapes really help kids learn sign a lot.

Amazing news on Max (7-15-07): He knows how to fingerspell. On the fourth of July, he spelled "dog" as he was looking for stuffed dog. He is so smart and is so ready for his kingeration this fall! Maybe, he jumps to the 2nd grade next year like I skipped 8th grade (No kidding!).

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