Wednesday, July 05, 2006

No Fireworks!!

My family, cousin's family and I went to downtown Atlanta for fireworks last night, but in a couple of minutes later, it was heavy rain and thunder. We had to wait in the vans on the dock of parking lot so we went under the dock. The kids enjoyed sparklers since fireworks are cancelled due to lightning. Oh well, we saw a few fireworks when we drove home. I heard that there will be fireworks tonight, but we feel that it will rain again and I'm so tired....

My cousin Heidi's husband JD's young nieces. Hey, girls, I'm sorry I can't remember your names. Can you tell me? Oh, I have two Justins in my family. Heidi's older brother I usually call Justin since he is still my baby cousin and Heidi's favorite guy is JD. So, I couldn't be confused which one is, Smile!

Micaela and Max love wearing their July the fourth clothes. I gave Micaela new American clothes for her birthday presents.

Max enjoys playing sparklers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

That is Alex, Maddy and Halle in the picture :)

Great shots and very good blog.. Thanks for doing it...
