Micaela grabbed Max's backpack for Max and handed it to him.
Max smiling softy...
The lady helps getting the kids' backpacks on their back.
The lady helped leading the kids into school.
Micaela starts to realize that Nancy and I leave the kids at school. She wonders where mommy is.
Micaela still wondering where mommy is, but she says "Bye bye" to her mommy.
We pick Max and Micaela up from school. Max tells his mommy that he has a great day. Waiting for Micaela to be picked up.
Micaela's teacher carries her to Mommy's van. Micaela is so happy to see us.
Micaela's teacher tells Nancy that Micaela was cried some and was fine. She suggests Nancy to make sure that Micaela brings her blanket which is her secure. She will get used to school in a few weeks. We know that Micaela will love school.
Micaela is ready for her nap time after school.
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